Eelsnot Protective Coatings

Hydrophobic coatings that increase speed while protecting your investment.

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The Eelsnot Family

All Board Sports

Eelsnot increases your speed! Bigger airs, more tricks and deeper barrels. Go faster, go farther!

Get yours now!

Competitive Sailing

Eelsnot reduces maintenance! Let eelsnot help you bring home the gold! Every knot counts!

Try it today!

Clean and Protect

Eelsnot hydrophobic lubricants provide impressively long lasting protection!

Fire Away!

Featured Items!

  • Eelsnot Boat Therapy 20oz
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  • Eelsnot Running Gear
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  • Eelsnot Boat Therapy 4oz
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The worlds most advanced


 I've got Eelsnot on my outdrive, Eelsnot on my water line.Sounds like a song eh? Thought since I just hauled out and finished the winterization on "isdoo", that I would let you guys know how the test with the Eelsnot went.My boat (Maxum 2755SCR), and my compound neighbour's boat (32' Rinker) were used. Back in the spring, I ordered a container of Eelsnot from the inventor in Florida. I also ordered a small container of the Eelsnot Gear Protector. We applied the product according to the instructions.We are amazed at the job it did over the extremely hot dry summer we experienced up here. His dual, and my single outdrives may have had 4 or 5 zebra mussels between them and that was it. Other years, our outdrives are almost totally encrusted with the mussels. Both boats had clean waterlines with no sign of any growths whatsoever. We both noticed as well that all our fenders were also clean yet we hadn't used any Eelsnot on them. Thought that was strange. All of our non Eelsnot using mooring neighbours had outdrives covered with the mussels, and their fenders all showed green staining on them (again - same as we used to have other years). Their waterlines were a combination of green slime, scum, and God knows what else, and ours were clean. WOW!!!Anyway, we are both very impressed with this product and how it works. It will now become an annual spring ritual.

Maxim Owner - Jimq26

I applied the eelsnot wax to the hull/keel of my sailboat and to the skeg of the outboard motor I use to power it in and out of the slip... by the end of the season there was practically no slime on the hull, (I am located in the upper Chesapeake Bay)...there was unanimous agreement that my boat was a bit cleaner than the rest. So, all things considered, I give this product a very high recommendation.

Randall L. Bibby

Once i started using this on my board, i would feel a noticeable difference in how far i can glide, and how fast i could go.
perfect for smoothing out a ding too!
use it for both skim and surf.
